Frequently Asked Questions
Browse through our most frequently asked questions (FAQs) for the Town of Upper Island Cove.
Click the + below for answers to your questions.
The Town collects bulk garbage weekly and recycling bi-weekly.
Town facilities can be booked through our website by clicking on the Book a Venue tab located on the top right of the Home screen. Once you fill out this request form, our Community Development Officer, Roxanne Greeley will be contacting you for more details regarding your booking. You can also contact Roxanne directly by calling (709) 589-2759 or by emailing
The Town of Upper Island Cove Parks and Recreation Association are pleased to offer a 7 week summer camp that is planned and organized by summer students. Our goal is to provide a fun, safe place for kids to come together, play games, do crafts and activities and enjoy their summer with old friends and new friends. Registration for Summer Program typically takes place at the end of June.
The Town Santa Claus Parade takes place the second Saturday in December (weather permitting).
Upper Island Cove week typically takes place the last week in July.
The Town of Upper Island Cove is proud to host a Canada Day Parade from our Town Hall Building to our Community Centre Building. Indoor and outdoor activities are then planned at the Community Centre to include bouncy castles, face painting, games of chance and live entertainment. Lots of fun activities for all ages.
Besides being a great way to Volunteer in your community, the first step to becoming a volunteer firefighter is completing an application. Applicants who meet the minimum qualifications are then interviewed. An Application can be picked up at the Town Hall (709-589-2503).
Fire hazard Emergency 589-2000
Non emergency 589-2503
Fire safety inspections are completed by the 1st Assistant Fire Chief. If you wish to have a fire inspection done, please contact the Assistant Fire Chief at 589-2300.
Open fire pits with screen covers are allowed within the Town of Upper Island Cove.
No fires either contained in an Outdoor Wood Burning Appliance or an Open Air Fire shall be permitted during such periods when:
Always use caution when burning in an outdoor fire pit, wood burning oven, or chimenea.
In Case of fire or emergency call: 589-2000 or call 9-1-1
Building a deck or fence on your property is considered general repairs and does not require a building application, however, it does require a general repairs permit that can be picked up at the Town Office free of charge.
Building a shed on your property requires a building permit application that can be picked up at the Town Office or you can download it from our Website. The cost is $0.05 square foot.
Yes. Please contact our Town Office at (709) 589-2503 to obtain your house/business number.
The Town of Upper Island Cove requires a request, in writing, of your intentions. Please contact the Town Office at (709) 589-2503 for more information.
Yes, the town of Upper Island Cove requires all pets to be on a leash at all times to protect the safety of our residents.
Residential/Business taxes can be paid in person by cash or cheque at the Town Office or by EMT at . Please be sure to include your name and property information.
Residential/business taxes are due monthly.
Contact Municipal Assessment Agency at 1-877-777-2807 or
Currently 5.6 mils
Residential taxes are calculated based on your property value at 5.6 mils, plus water and sewer taxes and a waste management fee.
Council elections will be held on September 28th, 2021 and are held every four years thereafter unless otherwise dictated by the Department of Municipal Affairs.
Yes, all meetings of council are open to the public
If you have any questions or concerns that are not answered on our FAQ’s page please contact the Town Office.
©2021 Town of Upper Island Cove
Site Design by Shannon Oake
Upper Island Cove Town Hall
P.O. Box 149,
Upper Island Cove, NL,
A0A 4E0
Ambulance: (709) 786-3102