Town Office: (709) 589-2503

Online Development Permit

Check all applicable boxes. Provide descriptions and sketches where required. Note that additional information may be referred to provincial or federal government departments or agencies, the applicant must undertake the referrals. The Town will inform the applicant of any referrals that must be made. Council will approve, refuse, or grant outline planning permission (approval-in-principle) with respect to the proposed development no later than 8 weeks after the date of receipt of this application, unless and extension is agreed upon. If not, the application will be considered refused. Approval will not be granted if the proposed development does not conform with the Town's Municipal Plan and Development Regulations. These can be viewed at the Town Clerk's office. This application will not be accepted if it has not been signed by the applicant or if the application fee has not been submitted with it. A decision of Council concerning this application can be appealed.

Section 1

Section 2

If the development involves the construction or alteration of a-building,
please check any boxes that apply:

Section 3

Section 4

Section 5

Note: Private water and/or sewer systems will require approval from the Department of Health.

Section 6

What is land within 30m (100 feet) of the site of the proposed being used for? If it is not being used provide a general description (forest, bog, pond, etc.).

Section 7

Submit with this application a sketch of the layout of the proposed development.

The sketch needs to show property lines, the location of the site with respect to nearby public roads and the position of buildings to be constructed. Provide measurements of the size of buildings and their distance from public roads. It would be desirable to also show this on a topographic map and/or a Land Use Zoning map. If the land has been surveyed, please provide a copy of the survey. Additional, or more detailed, plans and/or architectural drawings may be required.

Section 8

Important. Please read and agree with the conditions below.

I am aware that this form is for application purposes only and that anyone who starts any development before receiving written permission to do so from the Town may be subject to a fine. Only the kind of development described on the application form is to be undertaken and only at the site indicated. If I wish to use the site for any other purpose, I am aware that another application must first be submitted. If the land to which this application pertains is Crown Land or land that I am not the sole owner of, I am aware that approval of this application by the Town does not mean I can develop without also obtaining permission from the Department of Natural Resources or other land owners. I am aware that I am responsible for obtaining any permits from other government departments or for referring this proposal for review to government departments or agencies that the Town informs me of; and that I must provide copies of responses of such referrals to the Town. I am aware that the Town will not grant permission to develop if this proposal does not comply with the policies of its Municipal Plan; the requirements of its Development Regulations or other requirements of provincial or federal governments. If permission is granted, all applicable federal, provincial and municipal requirements and regulations will be conformed with. No information that could affect a decision to approve or refuse this application has been deliberately withheld or purposely submitted incorrectly by me.

Looking for a Permit?

If you wish to obtain a printed copy of our development permit you can download a copy here, or, they are available at the Town Office along with other permits listed below:

  • * General repairs
  • * Fence permit
  • * Quarry permit
  • * Commercial permit